Wednesday, January 25, 2017

T5W - Favorite Underrated Books

"Give some love to those books that aren't as widely talked about. Those hidden gems. Those books that maybe used to be popular but people have forgotten about and they still deserve some love."

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People who have been reading my blog for a while or who have been following me on Instagram (@the_secrets_in_books) may already know that my number 1 on this list is the Creepy Hollow series by Rachel Morgan. Right now this book counts 6 books. Books 1-3 tell Violet's story and books 4-6 follow Calla, who's already introduced in books 1-3 but grew older by the time book 4 starts with her story. Soon the next 3 books, and last ones in this series, will come out and I'm way to excited to find out who the next 3 books will be about.

Besides the obvious choice of Creepy Hollow, some other series are:

  • The Black Mage series by Rachel E. Carter (only recently started reading this series and loving it)
  • The Hidden Wings series by Cameo Renae
  • The Creatura series by Nely Cab
Do you have any series who deserve more hype? Please comment your favorite underrated books below.

Much love,

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