
Monday, December 14, 2015

Review: Broken Wings by Cameo Renae - Hidden Wings #2

Broken Wings Broken Wings by Cameo Renae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma's world is falling apart, and Kade, the only one who seems to hold her together, is missing. With death lingering right outside their door, decisions must be made before it's too late. The Midway has refused to send help, so they are left to seek out the only other who can stop Lucian. A perilous quest sends Emma and a few Guardians into the Underworld, where the unimaginable abide, to beseech the Prince of Darkness himself. Lucifer. Now, they must endure the deadly levels of Hell, which not one ...mortal or immortal... has ever survived. Prepare for love, loss, and the unexpected.

What I think:
My love for this series is so big. Cameo Renae is such a lovely author and she has totally blown my mind with this series. This second book is even better than the first one and is filled with action and romance. Throughout the book you start to get an idea about things that will come to the surface soon, but none of your thoughts get confirmed. It's great to keep the story exciting and totally makes me want to keep reading this series.
In the end... My mind got blown and my heard broken. Cameo just tore my heart out, crushed it, put it back in and forced me to feel love for something I should hate.
Oh how I hope this will all turn out well. I can't wait to get my hands on the third book in this series.

View all my reviews

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